Affiliate Guidelines

At, we have clear guidelines for our editorial work. We follow these guidelines to create content that is informative and helpful for our readers.

What is the purpose of our affiliate and writer guidelines? Our goal is to provide our readers with all the information they need to become better players. Whether we are reviewing a casino, providing advice on games, or explaining how to play or use a banking method, all content is always dedicated to helping you as a player.

We want you as a reader to feel confident and informed when making decisions about where and how to play. Our content is based on user feedback, research, industry trends, and legal changes, ensuring that it is relevant and up-to-date. Our guidelines ensure that our content maintains the highest standard and that our editorial process is entirely independent of commercial interests. We have no ads, pop-ups, or third-party advertising on our website, ensuring that you can trust that all our content is honest and unbiased.

Where do the guidelines come from? At, we wrote our own guidelines for editorial work. Our editor-in-chief oversees editorial strategies, standards, and decisions on the main page of the website, while our news team is independently controlled by its journalists and other teams in the company. If you have any questions about our editorial process or any of our website policies, please feel free to contact us. We want you to feel confident that everything we publish is transparent and honest.

Our editorial team We only hire experts at Our team consists of experienced researchers and industry experts with extensive knowledge of the gaming industry, both focusing on casinos without KYC. Our experts want to help other players get the most out of their experience. Our editor-in-chief, department heads, and experts can publicly comment on their expertise and the services available at The comments will always be in line with our company’s mission and principles. You can read more about our team on our About Us page.

Our editorial code At, we take our journalistic integrity very seriously. Therefore, we have developed an editorial code that ensures that all content we produce is impartial, thoroughly reviewed, and accurate.

Impartiality Our team has no relationship with the casinos or gaming companies that we review and advise on. In the rare event that a potential conflict of interest arises, it must be immediately reported to the editor-in-chief